Share-A-Cart Produkt-Blog

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Make Back to School a Breeze

Geteilt am 31 July 2024, von Julie

Back to school season can be stressful for teachers, parents, and students alike, but there are ways to smooth out the process for all involved. Shop smart with Share-A-Cart and cut down on the need for multiple trips by filling your cart with everything you need the first time.

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Which Share-A-Cart Extension Is Right for You?

Geteilt am 12 July 2024, von Julie

Share-A-Cart has different kinds of plugins for different browsers, which begs the question: which is right for you? We break down the differences below, and present examples that can help you decide which one to install.

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Prime Day Shopping With Share-A-Cart

Geteilt am 11 July 2024, von Julie

Prime Day 2024 is basically here, and that means one of the best opportunities of the year to shop for a variety of products at deep discounts. Due to its popularity, plenty of these limited-time offers will sell out in mere minutes, so it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. Here’s how Share-A-Cart can make sure you get everything you want on Prime Day.

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Simplify 4th of July Shopping With Share-A-Cart

Geteilt am 2 July 2024, von Julie

For many, Independence Day brings the middle of summer with celebrations revolving around backyard BBQs, pool parties, beach days, and of course, fireworks shows. But it’s also one of the bigger holidays for shopping – to the point where stores are more often participating than not. But with so many stores offering up “best of the season” offers or “lowest prices of the year” it can quickly become an overwhelming endeavor. Share-A-Cart can simplify that process, and give you time to get back to the fun with friends and family instead of huddling over a screen all day...

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Amazon vs the World - Share-A-Cart Data & Research

Geteilt am 18 December 2023, von Ed

It’s no secret that two of the biggest shopping days of the year are Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

We looked at data on shopping carts shared for the week of 11/21/2023-11/27/2023, and, unsurprisingly, we saw big shopping upticks on both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. While Black Friday has traditionally been a day where shoppers do most of their purchasing in-store, these days a lot of that commerce has moved online...

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What do consumers spend per item in different shopping categories? - Share-A-Cart Data & Research

Geteilt am 10 November 2023, von Ed

Share-A-Cart sees a lot of shopping activity. Every month, our users share millions of items with purchasers across more than 37,000 shopping carts. Further, many of these carts are viewed and ordered, for example when the list is something that needs to be purchased at regular intervals or by several purchasers.

There is a lot of research around how much people spend per shopping trip or per month across different categories, but we haven’t found many sites that show how much people are spending per item by category.

From our dataset - Share-A-Cart Data & Research presents. Want more? Please see our business solutions and reach out.

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